Thank you for stopping by to have a read. I'm totally new to blogging, so welcome to my weird and (possibly) wonderful ramblings.
I wish I could tell you what I'm going to blog about, but I honestly have no idea... I'm just going to see what happens!
I'm writing for myself, but I'm also writing for people like me- the ladies who don't fall into any particular category. The misfits of the female world who aren't really misfits at all, because we're quite normal.
There seem to be very clear categories women fit into today- the 'Essex girls', the goths, the ladettes, the girls who squeal at the sight of anything pink, the girls who recoil at the sight of anything pink, the flirters, the attention seekers, the bimbos, the party girls, the sporty girls, the kind of woman you dream of being, the kind of woman you dread to become, the ladies who lunch and the downright bitches ( and that's just a list of the kind of people I encountered on the bus yesterday!)- but there are lots of us who don't really fit anywhere. Not, I should hasten to add, because there's anything wrong with us, but because we're a little of everything.
And I think that's the best type of girl.
Ciao for now [:
(Ew, I have never said 'ciao for now' before in my life.)